Provide more security for your pet. Lost pets wearing current licenses find their way home sooner than those without. Pets without a collar and tags are often assumed to be a stray and never make their way home to their family. Let people know that you care about your pet. Keep your animal's vaccinations and licenses current. Place a collar with current tags on your pet. If we can locate you, we can get your pet home to you. Licenses can be obtained from the Village Clerk. A record of vaccination is required.
Ordinance #102 now requires all dogs and cats to be licensed. Residents will be allowed only 3 dogs or 3 cats, or any combination thereof. Licenses can be obtained from the Village Clerk during normal business hours. A Record of rabies vaccination is required.
Ordinance #102 defines animal control by the following:
- All dogs must be on a leash or chain not to exceed 6 feet in length and must be in the hands of the person controlling the dog.
- All persons having custody or control of any dog must keep the dog in an enclosure; be kept on an appropriate chain or tie not to exceed 6 feet in length; in an enclosed yard, whether walled or fenced, or in any other appropriate restraining enclosure. Underground “silent fencing” must also meet the requirements of the ordinance.
- Dogs must be kept at least 6 feet from any public walk, street, neighboring driveway or yard. Please keep in mind that the Village Parks and DNR trail are included in these regulations.